Lightning Systems of Virginia
Lightning Systems of Virginia, L.L.C.

Your Professional Lightning Protection Installers

About LSV
You are guaranteed to receive the most effective lightning protection available.
What is a Lightning Protection System?
A lightning protection system is a passive means of preventing property damage from the effects of a lightning strike.
Who Needs Lightning Protection?
If your home or business meets 5 or more of the following criteria, you are in a high risk group.
Personal Lightning Safety
If you are outside and you notice a storm brewing, do you know what to do?
Lightning Protection Specifications
All lightning protection materials and components shall comply in weight, size and composition with UL96A and NFPA-780 lightning protection material code requirements for this type of structure.
Contact Us
Questions or Comments? We'd love to hear from you.

  • Lightning is the leading cause of fires in suburban and rural areas.

  • Lightning causes an average of $500 million in damage, almost 100 deaths, and 300 injuries per year in the United States.

  • Lightning has killed people while boating, swimming, golfing, exercising, talking on the phone, and even enjoying a concert.

  • Lightning can carry up to 100,000,000 volts of electricity; Enough energy to illuminate a 100 watt bulb for more than 3 months.

  • A single lightning bolt can reach up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (almost five times hotter than the surface of the sun). The average thunderstorm is 6-10 miles wide and travels at around 25 miles per hour.

  • Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles from the leading edge of the storm. You can be in immediate danger even in clear skies.

  • Lightning can and does strike more than once, the Empire State building gets struck, on average, 20-25 times per year.
Home | About LSV | Lightning Protection | Who Needs It? | Personal Safety | Specs | Contact

Lightning Systems of Virginia LLC, P.O. Box 8985, Richmond, VA 23225
(804)-230-9169 Fax: (804)-230-1588

  © 2007 Lightning Systems of Virginia, LLC.
  All rights reserved worldwide. E-mail webmaster.