Lightning Systems of Virginia
Lightning Systems of Virginia, L.L.C.

Your Professional Lightning Protection Installers

About LSV
You are guaranteed to receive the most effective lightning protection available.
What is a Lightning Protection System?
A lightning protection system is a passive means of preventing property damage from the effects of a lightning strike.
Who Needs Lightning Protection?
If your home or business meets 5 or more of the following criteria, you are in a high risk group.
Personal Lightning Safety
If you are outside and you notice a storm brewing, do you know what to do?
Lightning Protection Specifications
All lightning protection materials and components shall comply in weight, size and composition with UL96A and NFPA-780 lightning protection material code requirements for this type of structure.
Contact Us
Questions or Comments? We'd love to hear from you.

Personal Lightning Safety

If you are outside and you notice a storm brewing, do you know what to do? Here are a few safety tips…

  • Keep an eye on the sky, watch for well-defined darkening cumulus clouds, and listen for thunder.
  • If you see a flash in the sky, start counting "one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand", and so on until you hear thunder. Take that number and divide it by 5. This will let you know how many miles away the approaching storm is. For every five seconds the storm is 1 mile away.
  • If the storm approaches, seek shelter in a building (preferably with lightning protection) or car.
  • Once inside, turn off all appliances, stay off the phone, and avoid taking a shower or running the water. A lightning surge can enter the house through all of these.
  • If you are not able to get indoors, go to a low-lying open area away from trees, poles, and anything metal.
  • Assume the safety position. Make yourself a small target. Squat low to the ground, place your hands on your knees and put your head down low. Do not lie flat on the ground.
  • If you are trapped in the woods, take shelter under the shortest trees in the area.
  • If you are boating or swimming, get out of the water immediately and seek shelter.
  • If you are trapped in a boat, seek the lowest area away form anything metal, and assume the safety position.
  • If someone has been struck, administer first aid immediately and call for help. Do not be afraid to handle the person, they carry no electrical charge.
Home | About LSV | Lightning Protection | Who Needs It? | Personal Safety | Specs | Contact

Lightning Systems of Virginia LLC, P.O. Box 8985, Richmond, VA 23225
(804)-230-9169 Fax: (804)-230-1588

  © 2007 Lightning Systems of Virginia, LLC.
  All rights reserved worldwide. E-mail webmaster.